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我的心情起伏 - 内心世界 - 感情地带 <BGSOUND SRC="">

*Sunday, October 04, 2009

-+SeLecTiVe BeHaViOuR

like u...

why do i like u so much?
why do i have my feelings all flutter?
why do i give u the power to affect me?

why am i getting all affected every now and then?
why am i bothering so much?
why am i feeling so much of mixed emotions?

so many whys
then come so many whats
then follow by so many hows??


it's so... hard to explain in words.

if i still dont get rid of all those emotions set in me
im gonna drown so soon...
feeliog suffocated again.

why do i like u so much?
what i should do to not feel anything?
how to stay saint?


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by teddi^.^ sealed off @ 12:18 AM.


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