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我的心情起伏 - 内心世界 - 感情地带 <BGSOUND SRC="">

*Saturday, August 08, 2009

-+SeLecTiVe BeHaViOuR


Most of the times people dont appear what they are really like.
they dont want to show yet want people to understand.
we dont wear x-ray specs or have x-ray eyes
so how can we see through a person with our tiny eyes?

but if you always keep things to yourself
and thinks that people need not know or would not even understand
even how nice a person is
will get worn out guessing and wondering (with care and much concern)

and start wondering,
am i a friend, to you?

real friends are there
to shoulder your cries
to lend a listening ear
to provide a shelter
to share their wings when u have trouble flying
to act as a pillar to lean on.

there are times a person just need someone to listen
there are times a person just need someone to speak
sometimes, a slient companion is only needed.
just the presence of a right person even in silent, makes a great different.
(some friends just wish to be there, be it in what position)

real friends
yearn and appreciate each other's presence
bring happiness
doube the joys
overlook all faults
erase sorrows
complete a person

if your friends arent doing or not able to do the above,
what are they worthy enough to be called friends?


grumbling is a normal thing to do.
it might not change anything or help in any ways logically
but it does find a relief for a heart that need emotional release.
it's a NEED. to let out the heart in order to move on.

it's like balloon. the harder you blow, the bigger it gets and soon it burst.
so.. dont keep blowing into it but release some air out..
the balloon feels better, so does your heart.


i dont say, doesnt mean i dont care
i dont ask, doesnt mean i dont want to know.
in my own beliefs, i prefer to use my own ways to make the person feels happier than to probe and start to dwell on it together. i want the person to be happy and comfortable in my presence.
dont ask, dont say doesnt mean i dont want you to share that piece of informations with me.
sharing could also reflect on the level of trust you have in that person.
bottomline is, bits of it might just do fine than nothing said at all. (coming from a thought of a friend, i believe majority of friends will feel the same, because real friend cares)


i think as a friend i have nothing much to pick on
except for some demanding and lots of emo-ing.
im so lazy that alot of times i just ask people to do things for me
and got them irritated and angry over that. HAHA!

it's quite an unbelievable task for me to not probe
people who knows me long enough should know.
they would think i've probably died long ago due to excessive wonderings, guessings and emo-ing.
usually if i want to know something, i'll make sure i know.
especially when i love listen to stories, problems etc etc.

now i know how it is like to be a silent comforter.
not an easy job. but im happily tired though. =)

but just for one person.
the rest i'll continue to probe! muhahaha!
realise one common thing, we probe but we dont share. hohoho!
selfish people. lol!!

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by teddi^.^ sealed off @ 12:52 AM.


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